
It's always the case that when something in my life gets better day by day, something else starts spiralling downhill. What a way to end 2008 & welcome 2009. g r e a t.

insecure, so insecure...


Merry X'mas, all ♥
I had a splendid X'mas dinner with Mom on the 23rd & X'mas celebration with my sunshine yesterday.

All I need now is a toffee nut latte grande & a long phone call to complete X'mas 08.


Shopping with crazy woman on Tue after a few weeks of hyperventilating. I've came to the conclusion that both crazy women really cannot share food. & I think I can get preggie with a food baby with her. Baby hargows, siewmais & tempuras. HAHAHA!

She's freaking sweet to bake a cupcake with a heart on top of it for me. No wonder she's my #1 & not #2. & she expects #2 to bake something better, if not he can't be #1. Tsktsk.


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Spent like 300+ bucks & it felt super shiok. & everytime I buy a pressie for someone, I'll end up liking the pressie myself. Gasp. There's still 2 dresses & 1 more online. Seeeee, I need to spend now in order to stick to my resolutions. :X



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Retardation with a capital R.

Yesterday was a :))))) day afterall.
Buffet lunchie + The Earth the Day Stood Still for moovie + chilling + Zhang Shixun (hahahahaha) makes Jie Min a hairpee girl. :D

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The Day the Earth Stood Still - ★★★☆☆
So-so storyline. However, if one day, an alien as handsome as Keanu Reeves lands on Earth, I'm more than happy to welcome him. I know ohoh agrees too. :P

Next week's gonna be one helluva good week. :D
Back to Harry Potter on channel 5. Ciao!


Sometimes, it's best not to be curious cuz you'll jolly well find out how inane & superficial people are. I think the drilling upstairs' annoying me to the max, hence the rant. Fancy having only 8 hours of sleep despite knocking out @ 3am.

On a hairpee-er note, I know tomorrow will be better day. :)


Last paper tomorrow, like finally...
& I've been influenced by Pammylove & have started to draw up my new year resolutions.

#1. Thou shall save money. This one uh, prolly impossible, but I'll try. :)

