

Haha. The reason why she's my porny & #1. :)


I have the sudden urge to go tanninggggg. It's been like dunno how many donkey months since I've last tanned. Porny, want or not, want or not? Poke poke nudge nudge.
Class dinner tomorrow to kick start the holiday, CAN'T WAIT. :D :D :D

Okay, I need to burn my Netf notes so that I can remember all the stuff alr. :X


It suddenly dawned on me while I was penning down Netf notes (your eyes are not playing tricks on you) that should I have done better for Os/went into MI, would I be as happy as how I am now?
A teeny-weeny little part of me kinda regret my decision of not mugging hard enough for Os & not choosing some other course eg.business in RP/do As in MI instead of slogging my ass off in IT.
Then again, if I wasn't in SP doing DIT, would I have met baos & the 03 guys? &&, would I have met YOU?

Mugging too hard really drives someone nutcrackers at times. Despite all the driving-me-nutcrackers hype, I'm contented that I can wake up to a sunny yellow banana day.
On a bad note, I have yet to consume my wholesome breakfast @ Macs/Cafe Cartel/Swensens. Anyone? :)




A bouquet of ixora from Horny to Porny.
See how much you mean to me, gave you macaroons & flower. Sacrificed getting caught for destroying school property lor.

Anywayyy, day-da-base yesterday was pretty good. Hardwork for 3 days & that hideous pimple kinda paid off. Didn't know that being nerdy could send me so highhh.


Gotta mug for weebeeeee alr. But but I'm hungryyy & craving for Macs/Cafe Cartel/Swensens breakfast. x( Hint hint hint.


with all the balloons, all the flowers, all the chocolates.
As you walk amidst the loveisintheair crowd, I guess one shall start pondering if it's the flowers, balloons & chocolates that matter, or the company that matters. Though I celebrated Valentine's yesterday, I'm elated I don't have to squeeze through the crowd, getting my flowers crushed. P.S. I can bawl like a baby when my flowers dry up, just imagine what'll happen when it's crushed.
&&&, the rooftop pool I saw yesterday, me likey!

Cliche but yet so true, everyday's Valentine's day with you. Because it's YOU & the time we spent together that matters. :)

happy valentine's, peopo.
treasure the ones you love, be it your boyf/girlf, family or friends.


The day started off pretty well in the morning during day-da-base lesson. Mr Shhh said hot chick & I were reliable which was like uber sweet. IMM for breakfast w/Squirtle, Pikachu, Diglet, Mew, Psyduck & Liangxian (someone, think of a pokemon for him). The guys brought Mac & BK into LJS & got chased out. Tsktsktsk.
Things started to spiral downwards since Crs. Sitting in an air-con room with absolute silence, I was writing & dozing off at the same time. Gasp. Weebee interview kinda sucked too, despite putting in so much effort for the past 2 to 3 weeks. :(

On a happier note, I can see Pok tomorrow after 02941985296029 months of not seeing her. :)


During weeeeebeeeee lesson when life is like "i know you're tired, i'm tired too"...

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hi sally. bye sally.

Finally done with all my assignments, just left with the interviews. Afterwhich it'll be 2 weeks of papers. /: Can't wait for the uber long holiday though - 03 chalet + meeting up w/friends + spending time w/my fam + mysunshine.

xxooxxoo ♥
